Kerbal Space Program Shareables Top 100 Shareables: Popular downloads for the week. Octane mk2 ( Rocket Leaque: Created 17 September 2015. If you're writing about Kerbal Space Program mods, then MechJeb is an obligatory inclusion. And here's a quick tip for even more verisimilitude: download the proper Another parts pack, this time with a focus on rockets.
KSP is a game where the players create and manage their own space program. prints of your favorite characters and celestial bodies from Kerbal Space Program Imgurian Dboi88's interplanetary ship was designed to colonise Duna, but.
Share your ships. #1 Edited by Mikemcn (7658 posts) - 3 years, 1 month ago. If you saw the quicklook you know how crazy ship designs can get, so i was hoping I could see what some other duders have been building. #5 Edited by Robo (856 posts) - 3 years, 1 month ago. So this started off as an X-Wing space plane thing, but after some considerable trial and mostly error I gave up on that and went with a rocket. It might not look like it, but it's extremely stable. The capsule at the top is equipped with parachutes and struts to make a nice little lander.
Launching a colony ship and leaving for Laythe Kerbal Space Download Kerbal Space Program here: http:// KSP Huge rocket for download! Kerbal Space Program 101 - Tutorial On Getting To & Landing On Moons - Duration: 45:15. by Scott Manley. If you saw the quicklook you know how crazy ship designs can get, I built it to rescue a stranded kerbal in space, but with the addition of I downloaded the free version, and it's awesome so I'll probably get the full game. Overview video about Kerbal Space Program : How to build a rocket and for my mac it tells me no software to be found, can you tell what software to download. Simplified. Share your Kerbal Space Progam craft, with automatic detection of mods, search by mod & craft attributes. Filter by old KSP versions. stock. mod. VAB. SPH. Craft. Subassemblies. more filters. ship. aircraft downloads. KerbalX is a fan site and is not affiliated with Squad or the Kerbal Space Program.
The problem is it only gets about halfway to the moon. That's probably due primarily to very poor fuel management. I could probably add one more fuel tank for one good burn in space before separating. The weight shouldn't suffer too much from it. I know I need to lose the intakes on those SRB's. I just thought they looked neat.
Well aware they serve no purpose and probably add a bit of drag. I'm definitely going to have to check out some mods. Feeling a bit creatively limited sometimes.
Although I like the challenge of making something ridiculous out of little or nothing. Here is a slightly different version at the end of its flight. Flew clean past the Mun's orbit. Some more careful piloting could possibly get me there. Not a big fan of those little wings. They REALLY mess with RCS, as they seem to make the rocket spin like a top.